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Chesterfield Well Dressing

Chesterfield Well Dressing


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Number of results: 3

  1. The Bess Connection


    10am - Bolsover Castle

    Built by Bess of Hardwick's son Charles and finished by her grandson William, this 17th Century mansion looks like a fairytale castle. Visit the Little Keep, complete with its furnishings and decoration, and explore…

  2. Well Dressing


    10.30am - Well Dressing in the Making

    Find out more about this ancient custom, and how such intricate pictures can be made using only natural materials, by watching a team of well dressers at work. Some villages dress their wells in secret,…

  3. Glorious Gardens


    10.30am - Renishaw Hall and Gardens

    Take a tour of the beautiful Italianate gardens, created nearly 200 years ago by the Sitwell family, then tour their family home, or book a tour of one of the most northerly vineyards in the country. .

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